Studying the systems which shape and guide the processes of heart disease

Ischemic Heart Disease Research

Our work focuses on enhancing our understanding and improving the treatment of cardiovascular disease. To this end, we initiate clinical trials and perform in depth studies of big-data sets, including the analysis of ‘omics’ data (genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, radiomics and the microbiome).


The ITC group has had the great fortune of working on some truly inspiring projects while collaborating with many influential and creative individuals and research groups along the way. The ITC group employs professors, post-doctoral fellows, PhD candidates and students with a variety of backgrounds. Prof. Pim van der Harst, interventional cardiologist, is principal investigator and dr. Erik Lipsic is directing the research at the Catheterization Laboratory. To get an overview of our team, click here (external website).

For an overview of achieved results please see our publication output on the specific project pages or the pages of Principle Investigators Pim van der Harst and Erik Lipsic.

In depth

Our long-term goal is to identify and characterize the scientific mechanisms specific to our principal areas of cardiovascular research. We also focus on early detection of cardiovascular disease using latest cardiac non-invasive imaging modalities. We aim to improve diagnostic strategies by implementation of advanced CT- and MRI-imaging techniques, relying on a broad spectrum of methods, ranging from traditional statistical analyses to advanced deep learning models. Big studies that are currently ongoing are: GIPS IV, MyDigiTwin, REPLACE-IT, PreHEART study, and Early-Synergy.

“We believe in the power of working together to create a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts”.

Work with us

The combination of clinicians and bioinformaticians makes our team diverse and creates a perfect ambiance to cooperate and to share knowledge. As PhD you can be involved in many topics within our research line, depending on your background and your main interests. There are always possibilities for enthusiastic researchers to work in our team, so do not hesitate to contact us for more information!

You can see all vacancies here