Check out the design paper of the DECISION trial

One of the largest heart failure trials in the Netherlands is currently entering the last follow-up period. The DECISION (Digoxin Evaluation in Chronic heart failure: Investigational Study In Outpatients in the Netherlands) trial will examine the efficacy and safety of low-dose digoxin in patients with heart failure with reduced or mildly reduced left ventricular ejection fraction with a background of contemporary heart failure treatment.

Whilst still working on the data collection, the study design can already be viewed here: Efficacy and safety of low‐dose digoxin in patients with heart failure. Rationale and design of the DECISION trial (; doi:10.1002/ejhf.3428. Check out the paper via this link . The study by Professor Van Veldhuisen, Professor Van der Meer, and Professor Rienstra is expected to be completed by the end of 2025.

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