Michiel Rienstra is professor of Clinical Cardiology and specializes in atrial fibrillation and heart failure. In 2009, he was awarded with a NWO Rubicon grant and went to Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital and the Framingham Heart Study for a post-doc on population genetics and epidemiology. In 2012, he was awarded with the NWO Veni grant for his project on genetics of atrial fibrillation. In 2015, the European Society of Cardiology academic grant supported his project on a big data approach in atrial fibrillation. Currently, professor Rienstra is chairing a research group of (MD-)research fellows, MD-PhD-fellows, post-docs and students mainly on improving diagnosis (including genetics) and treatment of individuals with (or at risk of) atrial fibrillation and the combination of atrial fibrillation and heart failure.
Current activities
He is involved in of 4 large national consortia; RACE V (hypercoagulability and AF progression), RED-CVD (early detection of cardiovascular disease in general practices), AI (catalyzing the application of artificial intelligence in CV disease), and MyDigiTwin (Big-data and Artificial Intelligence-based ecosystem to create a user’s personal “Digital Twin”). He is/was involved as principal investigator/ steering committee member of numerous mainly investigator-initiated clinical studies (RACE 2 to 7, MARC 1-2, VIP-HF, DECISION). He is fellow of the European Society of Cardiology and the American Heart Association, and member of the Scientific & Clinical Education Lifelong Learning Committee (SCILL), previous member of the Leadership Committee of the AHA – Genomics and Precision Medicine council. He has authored thus far more than 175 peer-reviewed papers and book chapters.