Nick van Vreeswijk


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When I didn’t know which direction to take after completing my medical studies, I started working at the emergency department of Ommelander Ziekenhuis in early 2020. It was there that I quickly discovered my passion for cardiology, which led me to join the cardiology department at Martiniziekenhuis. Later on, I made the transition to UMCG to further my professional growth. It was during this time that I developed a keen interest in electrophysiology and rhythm disorders. In early 2023, I began my PhD under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Rienstra, focusing on atrial cardiomyopathy (ACM). The RACE X study plays a central role in this research.

Based on a previous large-scale trial, it was found that strict rhythm control for atrial fibrillation in patients with recently diagnosed atrial fibrillation leads to better clinical outcomes, whereas rhythm control does not significantly improve outcomes in patients who have had atrial fibrillation for many years. I am investigating the explanation for this phenomenon. It is believed that atrial disease, as measured by echocardiography, electrocardiograms, and blood tests, largely determines the prognosis of atrial fibrillation and the patient’s condition. With the RACE X study, we aim to examine whether timely ablation of atrial fibrillation in individuals showing signs of this ACM can result in reduced visits to the emergency department, hospital admissions, and mortality.

By doing so, we can promptly identify and appropriately treat patients in the “danger zone” while minimizing unnecessary treatment for other patients.