Vicente Artola Arita winner 3MT Groningen and 3rd place Coimbra finals.
Vicente Artola Arita won the Three Minute Thesis Competition at the University of Groningen and got third place in the Coimbra finals. He is medical doctor and PhD candidate in the department of cardiology at the UMCG conducting research into the most common arrhythmia, Atrial Fibrillation. Translating research ideas in simple language, and to make it more interesting , in just 3 minutes, that is a challenge.
“As a researcher, the aim is to contribute to society and therefore all society should have the information in a comprehensible way. The 3MT competition helped me recognize even more the need to communicate research in a digestible manner”
The finals are usually held in one of the participating universities. Given current circumstances, the presentation was held online. The combination of research activities and developing opportunities offered at the University Medical Center of Groningen makes possible the development of a career in science.
Vicente Artola Arita started his PhD fellowship at the Department of Cardiology, UMCG, the Netherlands in 2018. He is one of the 16 Early Stage Researchers from the PROMINENT consortium focusing on personalized medicine under the supervision of Isabelle van Gelder and Michiel Rienstra His aim is on pathophysiological mechanisms of atrial fibrillation. His research topics include biological pathways and early echocardiographic markers of atrial fibrillation. He collaborates in studies on the matter such as AFRISK and RACE V.